Guest Panel of Rabbis Share Their Journey with Class #26 at Ordination

Guest Panel of Rabbis Share Their Journey with Class #26 at Ordination

June 24, 2024 Off By admin

Three alumni attended the ordination weekend of JSLI cohort #26 to share their journeys.  Rabbi Deborah Reichmann, Rabbi Ye’ela Rosenfeld and Rabbi Josh Greenberg offered pearls of wisdom to the rabbinic candidates of Class #26.

“Be yourself.” counseled Rabbi Rosenfeld, the cultural director of Der Nister  in Los Angeles.  Rosenfeld, an Israeli herself, called in from Israel and described the people’s reactions to the current crisis.

Rabbi Reichmann followed in the footsteps of her mentor and serves as as the Rabbi and Spiritual Advisor to the InterFaith Families Project ( IFFP is a community of interfaith families committed to learning, sharing and celebrating their Jewish and Christian traditions.   Reichmann also performs life cycle events and is highly sought after by young families in the DC area.

Josh Greenbaum currently serves as the Executive Director and Associate Rabbi at Temple Har Shalom in New Jersey.  While his path has followed that of a typical pulpit rabbi he is implementing new programming that makes attending shul more accessible to the young families who are part of his congregation. His synagogue loves his energy and enthusiasm and is thriving and vibrant.

Much discussion was had about it no longer being “your Grandmother’s synagogue” as the role of these JSLI trained Rabbis is to engage contemporary Jews where they are.  The day ended with a fervent reminder of how Rabbis should live.  To live as G-d desires—“to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our G-d” (Micah 6:8).