Cantorial School Admissions and Fees

The Role and Artistry of the Jewish Cantor and Hazzan in Jewish Liturgy

To be a Jewish Cantor, also known as a Hazzan, is to embody the role of a singer and interpreter of Jewish liturgical music. This position holds a venerable and vital place in Jewish worship, linking the congregation with the rich tapestry of Jewish musical tradition.

Historical Roots of the Jewish Cantor

The origins of the Jewish Cantor date back to the times of the ancient synagogues. The Hazzan was responsible not just for leading the prayers but also for preserving and transmitting the sacred music of the Jewish people. Over centuries, the role of the Hazzan evolved, paralleling the development of Jewish liturgy and communal needs.

The Hazzan’s Role in Jewish Worship

A Jewish Cantor’s primary function is leading the congregation in prayer. This involves a deep understanding of Jewish liturgical music, as well as the ability to emotionally connect with the congregation through song. The Hazzan must not only be skilled in vocal performance but also possess a thorough knowledge of Hebrew and liturgical practices.

The Art of Jewish Liturgical Music

Jewish liturgical music, as led by a Cantor, is rich and varied, reflecting the history and diversity of the Jewish people. From traditional melodies that have been passed down through generations to modern compositions that echo contemporary influences, the Jewish Cantor is at the forefront of this musical heritage.

Training and Skills of a Jewish Cantor

Becoming a Jewish Cantor requires rigorous training in both musical and religious studies. Many cantors attend specialized schools or programs where they study vocal performance, music theory, and Jewish liturgy. They also often receive education in pastoral care and synagogue leadership, rounding out their roles as spiritual leaders.

The Changing Role of the Hazzan

In modern times, the role of the Jewish Cantor has continued to evolve. While traditional elements remain central, many Cantors now incorporate new musical styles and technologies to enhance worship services. Some Hazzan also take on additional duties within the synagogue, such as education and community engagement.

The Cultural Significance of the Jewish Cantor

The Jewish Cantor, as a Hazzan, plays a crucial cultural role in preserving Jewish musical traditions. Through their interpretations of liturgical music, Cantors not only maintain historical practices but also contribute to the living, breathing evolution of Jewish culture.

Challenges and Opportunities for Today’s Hazzan

Today’s Jewish Cantors face unique challenges, including adapting to changing community dynamics and integrating modern music genres. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and growth, allowing the Hazzan to reinvigorate traditional practices with new life.

Conclusion: The Enduring Spirit of the Jewish Cantor

The Jewish Cantor, or Hazzan, stands as a bridge between the past and the present, melding the ancient traditions of Jewish liturgical music with the evolving needs of contemporary Jewish worship. Through their artistry and dedication, Cantors continue to enrich and inspire Jewish congregational life, ensuring that the soulful melodies of Jewish prayer remain a vibrant and integral part of Jewish spirituality.

The JSLI Cantorial School welcomes all Jewish vocalists. Being able to read music and Siddur (Prayer Book) Hebrew, and play a musical instrument are required for admission.

You must have a lovely voice. Our Cantorial students must have a basic knowledge of Jewish history, Jewish texts, Shabbat, Jewish Festivals, the High Holidays, rituals and life cycles.

You must be committed to a life of personal spiritual development and service to humanity. As ongoing spiritual work is an integral part of the program of study, completion of JSLI’s Cantorial curriculum must be understood to be a beginning, not an end, of lifetime study.

You must be supportive of interfaith marriages. Jews who have married non-Jews make up a large proportion of the Jewish population, yet they are largely ignored by Jewish organizations. JSLI is different: we encourage our students to minister to and focus on the needs of the Jewish interfaith (as well as the needs of the Jewish unaffiliated). Therefore it is a core requirement that you are supportive of interfaith marriages.

We offer rolling admissions- you may begin in either September or January.

Admission and Fees:

Non- Refundable Registration Fee:


Students are required to purchase Cantorial and Liturgical texts- approximately $300-400 total.

Cantorial School Tuition:

The full tuition is $15,000.  Included are all Musical Modules, as well as JSLI’s Life Cycle classes (Funerals, Weddings, Baby Namings and B’nai Mitzvot), as well as participation at an online Shabbaton/Ordination weekend.

Unlike mainstream seminaries, we do not require all of the tuition upon your enrollment. You can discuss a payment plan with our Administrator.

Tuition Payment By Credit Card