
Mikvah Madness by Rabbi Deborah Reichmann (Class #2)

MARCH 30, 2016 BY RABBI DEBORAH REICHMANN A young woman spent months studying. She learned about the Jewish holy days. She learned about kashrut, she learned how to observe the Sabbath and she learned that she would keep on learning about Judaism probably for the rest of her life. The rabbis said she was ready…

By admin August 2, 2016 Off

JSLI Announces NEW Pre Rabbinic Study Course

ANNOUNCES  Our NEW Pre Rabbinic Study Course  There is the desire among many with limited skills to serve the Jewish community as Rabbis and Cantors.  We are pleased to introduce a “Mechina” (Preparatory) course of study for those who need to enhance their skill sets and meet the challenges of JSLI’s Rabbinical Program.   JSLI is…

By admin August 1, 2016 Off

Rabbi Deborah Salomon (Class #4) Announces

A NEW HOME and NAME FOR THE SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY for HEBREW WIZARDS There are so many new and exciting things happening at Hebrew Wizards this coming year. Three exciting developments are: After 12 years, we are finally purchasing our own building which will allow Hebrew Wizards to have a permanent and awesome new home in…

By admin July 28, 2016 Off

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Walter Isaac!

On January 16th, 2016 the Jewish Spiritual Leadership Institute ordained its 100th rabbi, Walter R. Isaac. Isaac holds a doctorate in Religion from Temple University and a masters in Religion from Yale Divinity School. After serving as a graduate research fellow at the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies, he sought to obtain rabbinic ordination at the…

By admin February 1, 2016 Off

Op-Ed Jewish Denominationalism by Rabbi Deborah Reichmann

In light of today’s arguments regarding the ordination of women in the Orthodox movement, of Israeli rabbis not recognizing American Jewish decision-making, of changing policies and perspectives regarding the LGBT community, of these and many more, is Jewish denominationalism a destructive force? Is it a unifying force? Something else? Clearly, the modern world does not want…

By admin January 1, 2016 Off