Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute trained Rabbis lead services and make music for the High Holidays 5778
Rabbi Blane spreads the love as JSLI ordained Rabbis and Cantors are making an impact and serving Jews across the country and globe. Sim Shalom, the online synagogue is the mainliner offering “in person” Jazz High Holiday services at the iconic Bitter End Club in New York. Rabbi Steve Blane, JSLi Founder and Dean, and a quintet have transformed the High Holiday liturgy into a magical and moving experience. Sim Shalom services will be streamed live to the world as always.
Newly ordained in JSLI’s 14th Class this July Rabbi Jennifer Rudin of Massachusett and Simcha Services has services for both days of Rosh Hashana, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur and additionally, Rabbis Anibal Mass and Matthew Leibl will be leading services at their congregation in Winnipeg, Canada. They lead lovely musical services together.
In Louisiana, Rabbi Judy Caplan Ginsburgh will be leading services at her congregation in Monroe, Louisiana. This will be the first time in 28 years she will be able to be with her family for the High Holy Days and her first year serving as Rabbi. For the past 28 years she has served as cantor at some congregation far from her home.
In sunny Florida join Cantor Nina Fine who will be davening at Temple Beth El in Ormond Beach with Rabbi Berman for all services as well as leading a special family service for Rosh Hashana and one for Yom Kippur and also Rabbi Karen Becker Marcelo will be joining Rabbi Art Silvertone at his services in Lake Worth, Florida.
Rabbi Laura Golub Boenisch of B’nai Portland is leading services (RH, Kol Nidre, YK) at a rented space in Falmouth Maine. She has rewritten the services this summer. She plans to have some of this year’s B’nai Mitzvot kids come to Torah for an aliyah to chant a few lines.
Upstate New York Rabbi Ellen Franke I’ll be leading services @ Temple Beth El in Niagara Falls for RH and YK. Then for Sukkot TBE will join with Congregation Havurah for a potluck and Apple picking. There are also joint services with 4 other congregations for both Sukkot and Simchas Torah. Rabbi Mark Getman will be leading High Holiday Services at Temple Emanu-El of Canarsie (Brooklyn) New York on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Additionally on Sukkot Oct 6th they will have a pot Luck Dinner with a Guest Cantor for Musical Friday Night Service .. all are welcome!