JSLI Announces NEW Pre Rabbinic Study Course

Our NEW Pre Rabbinic Study Course
We are pleased to introduce a “Mechina” (Preparatory) course of study for those who need to enhance their skill sets and meet the challenges of JSLI’s Rabbinical Program.
JSLI is at the forefront of the modern Rabbinate and you could be part of this growing body who are serving the needs of modern Jews.
If you have the desire to become a Rabbi visit our website and “apply” to JSLI. We will set up an interview with Rabbi Blane who can determine your next steps.*

*You may need to learn or enhance the skills and will be directed to our NEWEST program, the JSLI Pre Rabbinic Study Course.
*Alternately after applying and completion of an interview with Rabbi Blane you may be ready and accepted to join our 15th Class of Rabbinical Candidates beginning in September 2017.