Two Alumni Return to JSLI to offer Presentations
This spring two alumni will join members of the Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute 17th class in making a Lunch and Learn presentation. Rabbi Judy Ginsburgh of Louisiana will speak online about her “Jewish Heritage Tour of India.” Ginsburgh, ordained by JSLI in January 2014, is best known for her music and is an accomplished Cantor as well as a Rabbi. Read more about her here. Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, who hails from Florida, will speak to the topic, “If the Bible is Fake News.” Rabbi Cohen was ordained as part of the 14th class of Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute.
The curriculum of Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute requires students to present a one hour Lunch and Learn to the school. They pick topics that they have an expertise in and present them through a Jewish lens. Some topics over the years have included: Accounting for the Clergy; sessions on Jewish Communities around the World; Gossip; Ethics of the Fathers, and Kosher Butchers. Rabbi Steve Blane believes in preparing clergy in a pragmatic and professional way. Each student needs to create a Powerpoint or Keynote and provides the presentation online.