Rabbi Steve Blane records an album
Steven Blane, founder of Sim Shalom, the world’s only online Jewish Universalist synagogue and also a singer-songwriter is heading to Nashville to record an album of his original songs. The album, which will be produced by highly regarded Christian Music Producer, Billy Smiley will feature many of Blane’s inspirational songs, two of which he will…
JSLI Ordained Rabbi Deborah McKenzie will lead services this summer
A Rabbi of Color Builds Bridges with Global Summer Ma’ariv Service Sim Shalom, the online synagogue, keeps its virtual doors open for the summer offering weeknight Ma’ariv services. Rabbi Deborah fulfilled her childhood dream to become a spiritual leader, shepherding the Monday night services. As a scientist, educator, and one of seven children raised in…
Mikvah Madness by Rabbi Deborah Reichmann (Class #2)
MARCH 30, 2016 BY RABBI DEBORAH REICHMANN A young woman spent months studying. She learned about the Jewish holy days. She learned about kashrut, she learned how to observe the Sabbath and she learned that she would keep on learning about Judaism probably for the rest of her life. The rabbis said she was ready…
JSLI Announces NEW Pre Rabbinic Study Course
ANNOUNCES Our NEW Pre Rabbinic Study Course There is the desire among many with limited skills to serve the Jewish community as Rabbis and Cantors. We are pleased to introduce a “Mechina” (Preparatory) course of study for those who need to enhance their skill sets and meet the challenges of JSLI’s Rabbinical Program. JSLI is…
Rabbi Deborah Salomon (Class #4) Announces
A NEW HOME and NAME FOR THE SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY for HEBREW WIZARDS There are so many new and exciting things happening at Hebrew Wizards this coming year. Three exciting developments are: After 12 years, we are finally purchasing our own building which will allow Hebrew Wizards to have a permanent and awesome new home in…