Mazal Tov to our Five Newest Rabbis! We are now 149 Rabbis Strong!
Our Rabbis serve Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist and non-Affiliated Jewish Communities around the World. Mazal Tov to our newest Rabbis, Ordained January 6, 2019.
Rabbi Dario Hunter
Is in his second year of service as rabbi at Congregation Ohev Tzedek – Shaarei Torah in Youngstown, OH. And he’s just started as a Coordinator for Jewish Life and Intersectional Programming at the College of Wooster. Dario Hunter was ordained as a rabbi in 2012 by Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute (JSLI). He has been…
Ordination of 139th Rabbi
Sim Shalom Online Synagogue grants smicha to nine JSLI-trained Rabbis on July 1, 2018. As part of a deeply spiritual ordination and shabbaton weekend in Stony Point, New York Rabbi Steve Blane and the Bet Din welcome new Rabbis from across the US and Canada to the family of Rabbis trained by the Jewish Spiritual…
Rabbi Reuven is guest rabbi at Temple Beth-El
Guest rabbi coming to Temple Beth-El, Alpena, Michigan AUG 15, 2018 For the first time in decades, Sabbath services at Temple Beth-El Alpena will be led by a rabbi. Temple Beth-El is pleased to announce that on Saturday, Rabbi Ronald N. Silverman will lead the Sabbath service, and on Sunday, he will lead a “Music…
Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute trained Rabbis lead services and make music for the High Holidays 5778
Rabbi Blane spreads the love as JSLI ordained Rabbis and Cantors are making an impact and serving Jews across the country and globe. Sim Shalom, the online synagogue is the mainliner offering “in person” Jazz High Holiday services at the iconic Bitter End Club in New York. Rabbi Steve Blane, JSLi Founder and Dean, and…