
JSLI Ordains 9th Cantor

Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute – JSLI – ordained its 24th class on June 17th where they met online for an intimate ordination/shabbaton experience. The nine rabbinic candidates were joined by a Cantorial student. Cantor Leslie Emery of Congregation Shaarey Zedeck in Winnipeg, Canada began studying formally with Rabbi Steve Blane two years ago. She joined…

By admin June 19, 2023 Off

JSLI Ordains Class #24

Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute – JSLI – ordains its 24th class of Rabbis. On June 17th the class of nine Rabbinic students and one cantorial student from around the US met online for an intimate ordination/shabbaton experience. They had time to share dreams, hopes and concerns about the future and presented their research papers to…

By admin June 19, 2023 Off

Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute and the UJUC hold spring retreat for alumni and students

The Union of Jewish Universalist Communities ( hosted the Jewish Spiritual Leaders’ Institute ( fourth online retreat on March 19th. Thirty alumni and students attended the event which offered unique and stimulating topics. Rabbi Gail Fisher (VA) presented “A Visit to East Jerusalem.” She attended the Community Leaders Program at the Shalom Hartman Institute last…

By admin April 13, 2023 Off